The importance of installing a water dispenser

Water dispensers are common in homes and offices or public spaces, providing easy access to clean and safe drinking water. While these devices provide comfort, proper installation and safety standards are also important to prevent harm to your life and property. In this article, we will discuss the importance and safety of water dispenser installation, as well as provide essential tips for safe installation.


Why is it important to install a safety water dispenser?

1. Health and hygiene

The main purpose of the water dispenser is to supply clean and safe drinking water. Improper installation can cause contamination and harm the health of those who drink water.

2. Accident prevention

A water dispenser with incorrect installation may result in accidents such as water leaks, electric shock and slipping. These accidents can cause danger to life and property.

3. Long service life and efficiency

Properly installed and properly installed water dispenser meets the standards. It tends to work more efficiently and last longer.

Water Dispenser Installation

Now let’s take a look at the process of safely installing the water dispenser. Let’s take a quick step-by-step. Generally, water dispensers have similar installation steps, but there may be some different steps. It depends on each model and brand. Typically, they are installed as follows:

1. Choose a location

When selecting a location for your water dispenser, it is important to consider several factors to ensure proper usage and safety.

– Close to an electrical outlet (if your appliance requires electrical aid to operate)

– Access to convenient water supply, which can be provided through tap water or readily available bottled water.

– The floor or base is strong and stable. There is a sunroof, rain protection, waterlogging, and ventilation to prevent moisture or mould that may occur in the water dispenser body.

– There is a space or area for users to use conveniently and easy to maintain.

2. Prepare the water supply

For a plumbed water dispenser, follow these steps.

– Turn off the main water supply.

– Find the nearest water supply point or connecting hose and connect the water hose to the dispenser properly or by a qualified technician.

– Turn on the water supply and check for leaks in the connection.

3. Electrical connection

If your water dispenser requires electricity-assisted operation of the appliance, such as a cooler or heater, follow these instructions.

– Make sure the power cord and plug are in good condition.

– Plug into a properly grounded electrical outlet as standard.

– If you are not sure about electrical work. Please consult a licensed electrician for a secure connection.

4. Drainage system (if applicable)

Some water dispensers have a drainage system to manage excess water, follow these steps.

– Make sure the drain hose is installed correctly and directed to the appropriate drainage point.

– Regular inspections of the drainage system to prevent blockage and waterlogging in the pipes.

5. Filter Installation

If your water dispenser has a water filtration system, follow these steps.

– Install the water filter according to the instructions in the manufacturer’s manual.

– Make sure the water filter is positioned correctly.

– Change the water filter at specified intervals to maintain the water quality clean regularly.

6. Test run

Before operating the water dispenser, test the operation of the water dispenser.

– Check for leaks at both water connections and drainage points.

– Make sure the water dispenser is working properly, including cooling or heating functions (if applicable).

– Adjust the temperature settings to your liking.


Safety precautions when installing a water dispenser

In addition to the installation process, consider these precautions for added safety.

1. Consult the manufacturer’s manual for instructions.

Always read and follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions supplied with these devices and strictly follow them.

2. Seek professional help

If you are unsure about any aspect of installation, especially electrical or plumbing, it is advisable to consider hiring an expert. Licensed plumbers and electricians who specialize in safe and reliable installation of water dispensers.

3. Check for leaks regularly

Regularly inspect the water dispenser for leaks. Leaking water can lead to property damage and mould growth. If a leak is detected, switch off the appliance and turn off the water supply hose immediately.

4. Keep electrical components dry.

Water dispensers that use electricity should be kept dry to prevent mould and rust. Avoid exposing internal components to moisture.

5. Perform regular maintenance

Follow the maintenance schedule provided by the instruction manual, which may include cleaning, replacing the water filter, and checking pipes and fittings. For optimal efficiency and safety, it’s crucial to conduct regular maintenance.

6. Install the drip tray.

Place the drip tray under the dispenser to remove any spilt water. The drip trays not only prevent spills or slips, but they also protect your floor from potential water damage.

7. Educate users

If the water dispenser is located in an area that is shared with large groups of people, such as offices or parks, users should be educated about proper use and maintenance. Encourage users to report any problems they see with the water dispenser immediately to resolve the issue before there is a risk to life or property.


    The safety of the installation of water dispensers is an important consideration for users to follow the correct installation steps. Be careful and strictly follow the safety guidelines according to the manual to ensure that the water dispenser will provide clean and safe drinking water without compromising the safety of life and property. Paying attention to installation and use safety from the outset will help you enjoy the convenience of your water dispenser with peace of mind, staying safe and healthy!

    If you have any questions, you can contact us anytime we open our service channels at Company Information or call 0-2888-1552, mobile 09-6594-9979 and LINE ID: @sangpanya  We are happy to advise you.

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