How to install a safety water dispenser


Water dispensers are common in homes and offices or public spaces, providing easy access to clean and safe drinking water. While these devices provide comfort, proper installation and safety standards are also important to prevent harm to your life and property.

What to choose between a water dispenser and a bottle of water?

Water is important in our daily lives. Drinking clean and safe water is something that everyone needs to pay attention to. Today, there are plenty of drinking options, including water dispensers and bottled water at convenience stores. In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of these two options to help you make the right choice according to your needs and conditions.

Do I need to filter rainwater before drinking and using?

When the rainy season comes, many people will start to use rainwater for use whether it is for consumption such as bathing, or washing dishes. Some homes living far from the community often store water for use, which may include consumption or use as drinking water. In the past, rainwater was considered an important source of water from nature.

5 Pros and Cons of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Purifier

Water purifiers using reverse osmosis (RO) technology are highly efficient filtration systems that purify water by removing various contaminants through several filtration steps through a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure. The RO membrane has very small pores. They generally range in size from 0.0001 to 0.0005 microns, which can filter salt. Only pure water molecules can pass through, while impurities are filtered away and washed away to obtain pure water.

10 easy steps how to clean a water dispenser

Regular cleaning of your household drinking water dispenser Here are some factors that can help you determine how often you should clean your water dispenser and how easy it is to clean it yourself.

Water filters: 5 Signs that should be changed

A water filter is a piece of equipment in a water purifier that removes impurities and contaminants from water, making it safe for consumption, cooking, and other household use. Ceramic filters and UV filters are each designed to remove certain impurities from the water.

3 Easy Ways to Fix Hot Water Dispenser Not Working!

Water dispenser with Water Filters

The most common reasons found In the first installation, the hot water system did not work. In the first step, whether it is a cabinet with an inverted bottle or a plumbing connection, water must first enter the system and then plug in the electrical outlet.

7 things you should know before buying a water dispenser

Water dispensers are considered one of the necessities of Thai people’s lives. We often see it in various places in our daily lives, whether in households, offices, government offices such as schools, parks, or even in dormitories, residences, and buildings because it can filter water cleanly, safely, without harm to health, and can adjust the temperature of the water.